Monday, October 22, 2007

Food and Wine Sampling #1

After work I decided to cruise the food and wine kiosks and sample a bit. So here's my review so far of food I have tried:

(Greece) Spanakopitta - This was tasty. I knew I had to get it because in grade nine international foods we made it and it was so tasty... I probably still have the recipe somewhere. Anyway, it's cheese and spinach in a flaky pastry.. yum.

(Peru) Arroz Con Pato - Haha... this was a feat.. But I wanted to try it at least once to see if it was worth the hype (which it's not, not really..) Basically, it's Rice with Duck... We serve Duck at Le Cellier, as well. BUT I always thought it was odd to serve duck when we have plenty of the water fowl that like to hang out on the promenade (even if their diet consists of mcdonalds french fries and the occasional mcnugget... ew.) Anyway, it tastes kind of like a mix between turkey and roast beef.. But at least I can say I tried it. (Though it seems like there should be a rule that there should be no food served that is from one of the main disney characters - My apologies, Donald Duck... Daisy Duck... Huey, Duey, Luey... all the rest...)

(Ireland) Potato Pancake with Bacon and Onion - This was good although they put a big slab of garlic butter on the top that was kind of gross. I don't know much more to say about it than it was tasty.

(China) Caramel and Ginger Ice Cream - One of my absolute favourites. And they gave me a bunch too, like a container (usually the food is sooo tiny - like the salmon at Canada is only like the size of your thumb folded over.) And I watched the acrobats in China while I ate it... The acrobats were really good.. just a small act but they did flips while jumping romp and stuff.. very disney-like.

(Morocco) Walnut Baklava - My other favourite! Mmmm.. so good. I need more baklava in my life. 'nough said. (Maybe I should find a

Anyway, There are more things I want to try too, like I'm going to dare myself to have the escargo (snails) in France. But I have lots of time. And I could go on my breaks. Or after work now that I'm on the AM Bucket which means I work in the mornings more and get off earlier.

Also, we've gotten our keys changed in the apartment twice this week and still no new roommate. Oh well, no rush.. But we have a new attractions girl named Brittany coming in on Wednesday and Aaron is training her, so that will be exciting. She's from Ontario, but that's all we really know about her. I'm hoping she's nice. Anyway, it'll be fun to have someone who doesn't know the spiel or anything... so Davanna and I aren't the newbies anymore!

Not much else left to report. Hopefully more updates soon.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Back in Florida...

My manager didn't pick me up at the airport, so after 50 minutes of waiting and watching families and couples meeting each other... I just caught a taxi. The driver was really nice though and the ride was fairly short. Glad I took out money for cabs before, though.

My flight was fine. I work from 12 until 11:15 today. And I have no food.. so, I'm just going to bring money and see how that goes. I'll probably pick up groceries.. well, whenever I have time.. which might not be until Tuesday when I have the day off.

I work American Gardens tomorrow.. that'll be fun, I think. Eat to the Beat... I don't know who's playing though. No one I'll recognize, probably. I only recognized the Beach Boys and I already saw them.

This week I am suffering from a severe lack of sleep, so I think I will try to limit my use of the computer and maximize my sleeping time.

Davanna, a girl I work with, said we got our new shifts and that I got the AM Bucket... which I think means I work earlier and get off earlier. Which is fine for me because it gets my butt out of bed and then I can spend the rest of the day doing more things like getting groceries, or making dinner or going to the parks or whatever.

I forgot how slowly the days go by here...