Thursday, July 19, 2007

Downtown Disney

Oh, also, I need sunglasses. That should be on the list too.

Anyway, last night I went with my roommate, Marie from Norway, to Downtown Disney, because... well, first I was going to go with Eli but then he was going somewhere else and I was still psyched about Downtown Disney so I asked my roommate to come with (she's been here a month but never gone to downtown disney and only one of the theme parks) and she said yes. So, we went down on the 'F' Bus and it was so awesome! I forgot my camera, but I'll be sure to bring it next time (and there will be many times!) It was really neat, especially at night. There were lights everywhere and spotlights across the sky. Mostly just a big marketplace by this lake and Pleasure Island, which of course we can't get into because we're under 21. Oh, and Lego Land. :) That is pretty cool, as well.

So, my roommate and I had lots of time to talk and we became very good friends. She's so nice! We decided that we're going to have a tradition every week of going out and trying things at Downtown Disney, like having a dessert night at Ghirardelli or trying all the sandwiches at the Earl of Sandwiches and writing reviews on everything we try. It's so exciting. And we're also going to have cheap nights... where we drink smoothies or make mailboxes (we're making mailboxes to put on the walls so we can put letters or things in each person's box) or have a "sleepover" where we make popcorn and watch movies and such. We have DVDs but no DVD player, so we'll probably all pitch in 5 bucks for a cheap DVD player. Oh, and tonight is leftover night because we cleaned out the freezer (Oh my god, the last girl that was there put a diet coke can in the freezer and it exploded and she didn't clean it up... it was nasty, there were furry mold things.. disgusting!) and we found lots of food from the other roomie who moved out that is still good, so we're just going to potluck it for dinner tonight. There's cheese toast and veggies and lots of good things! Oh and the two Norwegian girls are going to make me Norwegian food sometime! Fish cakes with potatoes and oatmeal with rice. Weird but I'm so excited.

The girl from France is a bit standoffish. She reminds me of Sarah's friend, Jasmine. She's a dance teacher or a ballet instructor or something and she's really... French and elegant. But her luggage is still not here and she's always out with her friends from France that actually speak her language. So, I don't blame her for not really blending with the rest of us right now. But she's my actual roommate that is in my room, so I feel a bit awkward not knowing what to say to her.. Or how to go about hanging around my room when there's other people too... you know like... my room isn't really a private space anymore. But that's fine. Especially if she is out most of the time, I can have a bit more time to myself if I want it.

Okay, so... also, I may have an address you can send me stuff to. I went to the Front Desk to ask what exactly the address was and the lady was kind of rude and she's like "Well, just look in your information book" And I was like... "Uhhh... k." But I couldn't find anything... so, I'm just going to go with the address they put on my schedule. And HOPEFULLY, I will recieve what letters you send. But please don't send me big packages right away until I know that this address works for sure, okay? I don't want anything important to get lost in the mail.

Stephanie Jones
8000 Gables Commons Drive Apt.# 524
Orlando, Florida 32821

And then my phone number at the apartment:
(407) 560-2280 Ext. 3524

But, like I said before, I'm going to get a cellphone this weekend that I will put minutes on and you guys can text or call or whatevs.


At July 19, 2007 at 12:16 PM , Blogger Jo-Ann (Mom) said...

Do you have a blender for all those delicious smoothies??


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