Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Made It

Hey guys,

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to get to the internet until now.

So, it'll take too long to give you guys the whole play by play, but I'll do a quick summary... I'm in a Two Bedroom Apartment, which means I have three other roommates; two Norwegians and a girl from France who I share a room with. Everyone is under 21 which is really nice, because we have more in common. My roommate just arrived at 2 in the morning yesterday and her luggage is lost, which definitely sucks. She's from Nice, France which is so cool. One of the girls has been here 7 months and the other only one month.

We had some orientation today and just a run-through of the housing and security and we got our IDs. And free breakfast.

Yesterday was the Canadian initiation or "throw-in" and it was lots of fun! I guess I'm supposed to keep hush hush about it, but it was definitely an experience, anyway. But I did get to bed around 1:00, so it wasn't too bad on my sleep. I found out there's only 9 Canadians in Attractions so it's a really tight-knit group and they have a lot of fun so I'm really looking forward to joining the team. Ha. I have to buy hiking boots for my costume. It's really funny.

What else? I bought food at WalMart yesterday... that was an adventure. I'm still not sure what exactly my address is... I'm going to figure it out though so I can get letters and such, as well as send them out. Otherwise, feel free to e-mail, text, whatevs. At least, until next Friday when my parents are taking my phone back with them. By then I'm hoping to have a new phone that I can load minutes on to.

Today I am chilling this afternoon.... maybe heading out to Downtown Disney tonight... maybe not. We'll see. Tomorrow is more orientation stuff...banking, etc. And it's pretty much all day. But then Friday is my day off. (Woo!) And also when my parents come to visit. (Which reminds me, I may need to fill out visitor info...) Saturday is Traditions where I get to dress up in my business outfit and learn about Disney. There's also another day later on in the week called Discover Disney or something where we walk around the parks and stuff. But I get to start training on Sunday so I'm majorly excited.

Right now, I'm going to make a list of what I need from Walmart (because I need a lot..):

- lamp
- shower mat
- shower curtain (maybe?)
- soap
- more towels
- hand towels
- face cloths
- router/ ethernet cable(? - I have a cord in my apartment but it's uber short and keeps getting disconnected. Grr..)
- comforter(?)
- phone
- more food for quick breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, etc.
- shampoo/conditioner/shave gel/body wash
- laundry detergent (maybe? I have to see what my roommates have too..)
- post-it notes
- cork board/ white board (?)
- hangers (I think someone stole mine...)
- BLACK SOCKS (for work)

P.S.: I'm the only Canadian in our arrival crew of like 7 people that is in attractions. SPECIAL ME. Also... top secret, but they're supposedly updating the Canadian movie in August so... I may be moved to KidCot for a month.. FUN. Hehe.


At July 18, 2007 at 12:03 PM , Blogger Jo-Ann (Mom) said...

Yay! I'm so excited to hear about your adventures...sounds like you need alot of stuff, I'll bring my Visa card and we'll shop 'til we drop! I'm glad you have great roommates, and one from France...yay, finally a language I know a little bit of. I can't wait to see you on Friday.

At July 18, 2007 at 5:04 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Hurray for traveling Stephanie!! (My mom just called me for din-din, so I'll try and make this quick for now.)

I'm glad to hear you're settling in well, and getting excited about all your training and things. It sounds rather extensive... and dare I say, educational, in a sense?

Aww. I'm excited for you. You're so courageous for doing this. You're amazing. And I love you. <333333333333333333333 A lot.


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